Bridgestone Tyres

Bridgestone Agricultural Tyres are designed, tested and produced in Europe, for the European Farmer.
Bridgestone offers farming solutions – be it in the Field, or on the Road.
So, whether you are an Arable Farmer, or a Livestock Farmer, where your soil is your best asset. Or if you carry-out heavy haulage operations, Bridgestone has advanced solutions for your business.
Larger Footprint for Higher Yield…..
This upper premium tyre, offer farmers the opportunity to “walk lightly” over their land, than that of a standard radial tyre of the same size. This Generation 3 – VF Specification Tyre – due to its design and construction technology’s, produces a much larger footprint surface area. That allows for greater carrying capacity, and/or a much lower operating pressure.
More Traction for Longer…..
Whether you’re a Farmer, or a Contractor that covers high mileages with your operations. This tyre is the one to go to. The tyre has been designed for both Road & Field use, and encompasses many design features to improve the road performance, when carrying out, those types of arduous road haulage operations.